Today I was having a phone conversation with my son while I was driving to my office and realized half way through it that I did not hear much of what he said. I was thinking about the appointments scheduled for the day, my weekend plans, my driving and the conversation I had with a friend the night before. The truth is I was focused on everything except listening to what my son was telling me.

I was jarred into listening to him when he said “Mom! Are you listening to me?” Has that ever happened to you? Everyone has something to say and EVERYONE wants to be heard. Think of all the conversations we have in a day. With all the listening we do, you’d think we would be experts at it.

Did you know that a critical communication skill is your ability to LISTEN? How well you listen and what you hear directly impacts the quality of your relationships and even your career. When we engage in conversation we are listening for a purpose. That purpose can be to gather information or to learn something or to better understand the issue or simply because we like the person and are interested in what is being shared.

When we listen – truly listen – we gain personal power and the ability to influence and negotiate. This skill enhances our personal presence and our confidence. Even better – by listening we can avoid conflicts, misunderstandings and hurt feelings.

Next time you are having a conversation with someone listen without distraction. Make a deliberate effort to concentrate and focus fully on listening.  When you become a better listener – you will become a better communicator and influencer too.


“There is nothing that is a more certain sign of insanity than to do the same thing over and over and expect the results to be different.”      Albert Einstein

Have you ever met someone whose presence brightens a room? When he or she talks, everyone listens. Guess what, if you spot it – you got it! You recognize this attribute because you have it too. I know it sounds silly, but it's really true.   If you spot it --- you got it!

I always admired motivational speakers and was in awe of the way a speaker could have such a strong presence and motivate an audience so I joined a Toastmasters group because I wanted to be able to motivate an audience with my story.

I love stories and I think the stories of our lives are so empowering. Over time I became pretty comfortable with my Toastmaster audience but still lacked confidence in my public speaking ability.

One day I just told myself I had two choices – I could just do it or I could always wonder whether I really had it in me to tell my stories. I summoned up the courage to give a presentation about career development to my colleagues. I told the story of my career to an audience of over 200 people. The whole time I was speaking I was nervous and worried that I would be a flop. When it was over I received lots of acknowledgments and the main comment I heard was “Thank you – your story was inspirational”.   Inspirational – imagine that.

Lead by example and stop doing what you’ve always done! Do something different this time and see what happens. 

Check out my new website


History teaches us that entire civilizations existed long before we were born. Science teaches us that there is a universe beyond this galaxy. The arts, both visual and performing, inspire the soul and teach us about are our humanity. The flame of life appears to be fueled by experience and knowledge. Perhaps that is what this one life is about – experience and knowledge.

If this is true, then it may be one's best interest to become a socially-conscious, independent thinker who will venture outside comfort zones, take risks, challenge the status quo and travel unknown roads for the sake of the adventure rather than the destination.

Perception is everything and it's a critical key to becoming an independent thinker and socially conscious human.   How do you perceive yourself?  What perceptions might others have you?

Stay tuned for more....